Marketing that generates Top Line Revenues implies Marketing initiatives that produce a significant return on the Marketing dollars spent. On the topic of integration, budgets and measuring results I have…
Posts Taggedtarget markets
Of course the campaign is integrated… next pitfall
As a continuation of my last post on the topic of campaign integration, I have found that the following pitfalls are common when we think that the campaign is integrated….
Of course the campaign is integrated…
It’s a common question when the Marketing leader gets ready to listen to a campaign organized by the agency. Is the campaign integrated? To which the agency responds: Of course…
Customer Experience – are we ‘In Synch’?
I am always astonished when I see a respectable, consistent integrated media campaign-be it with classical media (TV, print or radio) or online only to see the ‘wheels falling off…
Market Research can really be fun and interesting!
How can I make the topic of Market Research so interesting that it compels you to read this article till the end? I mean let’s face it reading about Marketing…