I like to start with a motivational quote to emphasize messages. I can think of no better expression to describe Attitude.
“A quitter never wins and a winner never quits.”
It’s an often used word but in a job setting it can make a world of difference. You are are not born with attitude in my opinion – you develop the right frame of mind, a sense of optimism and dedication and the end result is attitude.
Attitude means never having done something but trying – regardless of the result.
Attitude means helping someone without the need of recognition or praise.
Attitude means coming up with solutions to a problem as opposed to just bringing up problems.
Attitude is making sure the team wins and not the person.
Attitude means taking responsibility and accountability for your own development and career, not playing the ‘blame-game’.
Attitude means not complaining about your work, your boss, your colleagues- since it quickly becomes a habit.
Attitude means never, never quitting.
I look back when I was Commercial Director in Africa, DRC or Democratic Republic of Congo and I desperately needed a model for forecasting.
Do I need to explain to you that modelers in the DRC are rare? This one fellow was in the call center and I asked him if he knew anything about models or Excel. He answered “well I dabbled with Excel in university”. I said perfect!
Was he smart? Yes. Was he gifted – not particularly. Did he have experience? Hell no! But he had the determination to take on this new challenge of modeling and persevered. This idea of trying something regardless of the outcome was exciting for him… Attitude is what transformed Alain Gonda into a professional, seasoned Product Manager at ZAIN.
Nothing pleases me more that when I see a former team member from my last employer (small telco) being approached and hired by a Fortune 500 company. This happened because they had the right attitude.
What was the secret? Instilling upon my team the difference between the right attitude and the wrong attitude. This is your role as a leader. We all need to be reminded at times that our behavior or approach is not cohesive with the attitude of ‘Getting things done”.
I can’t take all the credit. Stephen Covey covers attitude in his book The 7 habits of highly effective people under habit #1: Be proactive.
Lastly I believe in altering one’s Attitude. William James discovered,
“alter your life by altering your attitude.”
Like anything in life we need a little feedback and direction. Attitude paves the way to success – it’s proven!
Great post Paul ! I totally agree with you that a positive attitude can overcome almost any obstacle, particulalry in the hiring process. When I was Director, Global Recruitment at a large multinational telecom, our credo was “hire for attitude, train for skill”. In short attitude is what is required to “fit” with the existing team. Great skill only goes so far, and if the attitude does not create a good fit, then either the new hire or existing team members will leave the organization.
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. ~Winston Churchill
Listened to your class——— not all but I learnt something and really that is all that matters———- that peole walk away feeling inspired and feeling”gee this guy really knows how to make teaching fun| ” FUN is the word Paul and you do that
I’m very proud of you keep up the good work